
A cross-platform viewer to open up mass spec peaklist files.

To use, simply drag and drop a file onto the program. Multiple tabs are provided to allow for any number of files to be open concurrently. Dragging multiple files into a window will open all them at once for a combined view. Holding Control+dropping a file will append it to the current view (this way, you can even mix & match file types).

The current goal is functionality -- elegance can come later.

Installation: You need the following installed:

PyQt4 -- http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/

pyqtgraph -- http://www.pyqtgraph.org/

The rest can be done with: pip install -r requirements.txt

Supported: mgf files - on first load the mgf file will be indexed for random access. This is a one time cost, but it is worth it.

X!Tandem xml files

Proteome Discovered .msf files - These load very fast, anyone used to PD's abysmal (and unthreaded) speed will appreciate this


Mascot DAT Files